Everyday I wake up
Realizing that you are gone
Reality keeps forcing me
To accept that you are done
Finished with all the chaos
This earthly world can bring
Through with all the pain and problems
And all those simple things
Am I so selfish to wish that you
Were here alive on earth?
Am I wrong to wish you back
Just so I won't hurt?
All the things I never said
Strong feelings I never shared
I took your love for granted and put you off
Because I just knew you would always be there
I pushed you away because I needed space
To be young, live the college life, and grow
But I was gonna get back right with you
I swear, But now you'll never know
I can only wait until the day
That we'll meet again
I know that you will still be you
Funny, crazy, a friend
You were never perfect
You weren't an angel by far
But damn boy you were you
And even before you died
I knew I would never be able
To replace you
Your smile, your eyes
Your laughter, your words
Are embedded in my mind
And forever you'll live in my heart and dreams
Until the end of my life
I still remember the day I met you, still remember the evenings we spent at various cafes gossiping about gals and profs and crushes of our group, still remember the back bencher gang we were a

part of, the orkutting in class, frustrating the teachers with our continuous distraction (and each one at that)
, the evening rides, the reunions, the after school NDA trips, and the unforgettable school canteen masti that we daily had. Frustrating Kundan Sir and Majumdar, and then VP(Yah, Brother Satish a.k.a. Chattis) after that
, they have been and will always be the most cherished memories of my life.
I don’t think I ever told you how important you were to our group, to us and how u changed our lives. You showed us how to live life and how to enjoy it today before it became yesterday. Would miss you and cherish those memories ever. You'd always live in our memories my dear friend. ALWAYS.