Hi everyone.. I have been working on this poem since quite some time but couldn't finish due to various reasons. Being back to home in holi has given me a lot of time and space to finish it ad so here it is... Please do comment.
It Hurts Me a Lot
I tried, I hinted, I played it cool
but your actions proved me a fool
And I cried for the umpteenth time
that you cannot use me as a tool
All I got were reasons
and not a single smile,
and my broken heart
kept waiting all the while
Still I went with my heart
and of myself, you became a part
and all the while in time
Kept waiting my dear old heart
Are you hurt, innocent she asks
How can I tell her not
when she is my everything
but it hurts me a lot
the pain becomes inbearable
so much, my heart bleeds
and only your presence now
is what it all needs
I wont ever be over you
and a place will remain
special and unconstrained
in my hearts domain
I never can love another
As long as life may stand
No one the wide world over
Shall hold this heart or hand